Kim’s Political Newsletter — The Progressive Patriot

Kim publishes an email Political Newsletter, the Progressive Patriot, which is available free to those who subscribe. It covers everything you are NOT seeing on the Faux News in brief paragraphs with links to the source material and includes the corruption and incompetence of the Bush Administration, the latest news on voting reform, the attacks on the environment, social security, healthcare and science, labor and the economy, the attempts to politicize the Judiciary and the mistreatment of our military… and always ends with some satire. The news and editorials are gathered from numerous sources including,,, The New York Times, Mother Jones Magazine, Jim Hightower’s Commentaries, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, the National Organization of Women, the ACLU, Union of Concerned Scientists, Planned Parenthood, numerous congressional sites and environmental organizations, among others. It comes in two emails — News and Editorials, once or twice a week and provides direct links for contacting your legislators when crucial issues arise.

If you would like to subscribe, send an email to: or enter your email address below: