Please sign the guest book with the form below if you would like to be notified when there are gallery shows opening or books published… or just to let me know what you think of the site and the photos! Here’s what others had to say:
Tammara Rhone
Awesome website, Kim! It was so easy to navigate I had a hard time leaving!
May 1, 2005, 6:54pm
Christel Golden
Favorite part of the site:
Truly the whole thing is great!
Apr 19, 2005, 3:33pm
Matthew Hadley
Kim Walker, you are truly a wonderfully remarkable woman. Your art just speaks volumes... some truly moving stuff, I feel privileged to have seen it. And kudos to whomever designed this website, it's remarkably easy to navigate and tasteful enough to leave the focus on your photographs.
Jul 8, 2005, 2:44pm
Hi Kim,
I found your site from the Halloween site link. I've loved some of those images of yours from the Halloween films for years. The shot of Warlock framed in the door is a classic. Finally I can say "My best to the photographer!"
I've been an amateur for years - having done portraits and rock concerts, I have deep admiration for your work in those areas. Your black and white is splendid.
Keep up the good work Kim,
Aug 25, 2005, 10:25pm
Kim! Great job. I love the site! Can't wait to see the updates!
Favorite part of the site:
Would like to see more:
Apr 23, 2005, 2:29am
I love your portraits! I am especially drawn to the black and whites particuarlly because that is the medium I like to shoot in. You seem to capture the relaxed atmosphere of al your subjects and inspires me to elevate to another level. Thanks for putting on the net!
Favorite part of the site:
Bob Marley
Jun 14, 2005, 12:00pm
Joshua Wiles
I just read your interview on You seem like a very interesting person. And it's nice to see that you were honest in your feelings about Rick Rosenthal. Reading your interview, I thought back to one of my favorite still photos from Halloween, which is the one of Jamie Lee kissing Michael with his mask on. It really gives a sense of how laid back the set was and that in the end, whether the movie bombed or not, it was fun to do and to a once in a lifetime experience for everyone. I hope you are able to find those negatives and publish your book about working with John. I will definitely buy it the moment it goes on sale.
Favorite part of the site:
the photos from flims
Would like to see more:
I'm not sure. Your site is so great. But maybe some more photos where people don't even realize you're there and it just looks random. Those are always the ones that show the most emotion and give an idea of what the subject is really like.
Aug 24, 2005, 1:22am
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